Freshwater Future Weekly: March 18, 2022
THIS WEEK: Celebrate Freshwater Heroes and World Water Day + Supreme Court Nominee and Water Protection + Freshwater Future Project Grant Deadline, March 31 + Research Shows Filters Remove Lead with Conditions + Fresh Look for FreshwaterFuture.org
Celebrate Freshwater Heroes and World Water Day
Join us to recognize our amazing Freshwater Hero award recipients at the Virtual Online Ceremony – Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022, 12-1pm (ET). The event coincides with World Water Day and will celebrate amazing people, organizations, and communities throughout the Great Lakes Region who are committed to protecting our earth’s precious freshwater resources. This free event will inspire you and give you hope as we share stories of people, organizations, and communities making a difference. Register here.
Supreme Court Nominee and Water Protection
The Supreme Court regularly makes decisions with a direct impact on laws regulating water, energy, environment, and public health. Federal Judge Ketanji Brown’s service as a federal public defender, understanding the impact of the law on all people, including those most vulnerable in the criminal legal system, makes her an excellent candidate. Freshwater Future believes confirming Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will move us closer to a Supreme Court that better represents all people, and helps us ensure everyone has access to Clean, Safe and Affordable drinking water.
Freshwater Future Project Grant Deadline, March 31
Freshwater Future has been fortunate to provide Grant Programs for grassroots community organizations for over 26 years, supporting advocacy efforts to protect or improve drinking water, rivers, lakes, wetlands, shorelines, and groundwater in the Great Lakes region. Currently, we have more dollars available to support this program, making it a great time to apply. Visit our website grant portal to learn more or contact Laurie Breighner at [email protected], or 231-348-8200, ext. 1.
Research Shows Filters Remove Lead from Benton Harbor Water
In response to high levels of lead in Benton Harbor’s drinking water, a request for emergency action was sent to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by multiple organizations and community groups including Freshwater Future. As a result, a water filter study by EPA sought to ensure that residents can trust the government-provided filters to remove lead effectively. The EPA concluded that the certified faucet and pitcher filters effectively remove lead from drinking water, but that correct use and maintenance is critical, yet was not observed by the EPA researchers in many Benton Harbor homes. The emergency petition also listed multiple barriers to correct filter installation, such as language and literacy, but the new study does not mention this crucial point. The EPA’s conclusion merely restates what community groups already know: proactive outreach is essential in order to ensure equitable and safe access to drinking water. For more information on how to use and maintain filters, check out our fact sheet.
Fresh Look for FreshwaterFuture.org
Now more than ever, we rely on the internet and websites for critical information. Here at Freshwater Future, we’ve given our website a fresh look and made it easier to navigate and find up to date info on water issues. All your favorite resources are still there–the blog, grant application info, drinking water safety tips, action opportunities, and much more. Please feel free to reach out to us via email or phone if you have questions, [email protected] or 231-348-8200.