If you live within a stone’s throw of Lake Erie, you’ve likely heard about the algae blooms. Stinky green mats that have shut down drinking water for residents of Pelee Island and Toledo last summer, closed beaches, and are toxic to wildlife and humans alike. If you’re a busy […]
Victory! Ontario Leaps Ahead on Great Lakes Protection
The Ontario government recently did something wonderful for the Great Lakes. They passed the Great Lakes Protection Act! Freshwater Future Canada is thrilled to see that the Great Lakes community finally achieved this hard won battle. The bill was first introduced back in 2012, but failed to make it […]
Phosphorus Targets Announced for Lake Erie
Just in time for summer, as families get ready to hit the beach, Canada and the United States have announced their draft targets for reducing phosphorus loads to combat Lake Erie algal blooms. Harmful algal blooms have closed beaches, impacted the safety of our drinking water, and threatened the recreational […]