Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Lake Erie… But Were Afraid to Ask
If you live within a stone’s throw of Lake Erie, you’ve likely heard about the algae blooms. Stinky green mats that have shut down drinking water for residents of Pelee Island and Toledo last summer, closed beaches, and are toxic to wildlife and humans alike.
If you’re a busy non-profit with too much work and too little time, you’re likely overwhelmed by the complexity of the problem, and can’t wrap your head around how to get involved.
We get it. So we’re sharing this video that our Executive Director, Jill Ryan, did with Detroit Public TV recently. We know you don’t have time to watch the full thing, but check out the first two minutes. It’s a short and simple introduction to the problem of Lake Erie and why the algae is back. You’ll be smarter for having watched it, and you can talk about the problem with your members and volunteers.
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