Just outside the gates of Rondeau Provincial Park is a pub and restaurant called Rondeau Joe’s. With a variety of beers on tap, a patio and a full marina out back, and a breathtaking view of the sunset over Rondeau Bay, there’s no better place to spend a summer evening […]
For This Retired Teacher, Lake Erie is Home
When JoAnne Chrysler was a teacher, she told her students that Lake Erie was her backyard. And she wasn’t joking. For almost 30 years, the Chatham-Kent, Ont. resident and retired teacher has lived in a cottage turned into an all-year-round home on the shores of Lake Erie. Most days, you […]

A Tidal Wave of Support for Lake Erie
Monday, August 28 is the first ever #WeAreLakeErie Day on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For the event, Freshwater Future Canada, along with our friends Environmental Defence and the Canadian Freshwater Alliance, will create an online wave of support for Lake Erie. People can join in by sharing their personal stories about the lake—like this one—on social […]

Leading a Life Dependent on the Lake
When most people are just waking up for work, Todd Loop is already out on Lake Erie reeling in his first catch of the day. For the past 37 years, this has been a regular day for him. After graduating high school, Todd became a commercial fisherman and hasn’t looked […]
Ontario’s failure to protect wetlands could lead to more algal blooms
How serious is Ontario about addressing algal blooms on Lake Erie? While the Premier of Ontario (along with the Governors of Ohio and Michigan) has committed to meet nutrient reduction targets by 2025, the province’s weak wetland strategy released last week calls this commitment into question. Summers on Lake Erie can be […]
Webinar: Is Enough Being Done to Clean Up Lake Erie?
Three years ago, on August 2nd, the unthinkable happened. Toledo, a major Great Lakes city, had to ban drinking the water supply it draws from the lakes. For two and a half days, Toledo area residents could not drink the water flowing from the taps in their homes. Businesses, from […]

Disappointing Action Plans to Address Lake Erie’s Algae Blooms
Have you heard the news yet? According to NOAA, we’re expecting to see a significant algae bloom on Lake Erie this summer. This is bad news for anyone who wants to use the lake for swimming, fishing, or boating as stinky mats of potentially harmful algae can severely limit enjoyment […]

Severe Algae Bloom Forecast For Lake Erie This Summer
HELP FIGHT ALGAE BLOOMS IN LAKE ERIE. SIGN THE PLEDGE HERE. ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENCE, CANADIAN FRESHWATER ALLIANCE, AND FRESHWATER FUTURE CANADA For immediate release: July 13, 2017 Environmental groups urge action to protect Lake Erie following severe algae bloom forecast Toronto, Ont. – The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) […]

Canada and Ontario governments’ release draft plan for addressing algal blooms on Lake Erie
Written collectively by Environmental Defence, Canadian Freshwater Alliance, and Freshwater Future Canada We are pleased to see the commitment from the federal and Ontario governments to address algal blooms in Lake Erie with a draft action plan. While this is a start, and we are encouraged to see there is […]

From Aquifers to Plastic Bottles: Now is the time to weigh in on Nestlé Waters permit application
Nestlé Waters North America, Inc. (Nestlé Waters) is proposing to more than double the amount of water they are taking at their White Pine Springs Site in Evart, Michigan — an amount that could damage area wetlands and protected plant and animal species. In 2009, Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation […]

Plan 2014 Approved by the International Joint Commission
The International Joint Commission (IJC) recently approved Plan 2014 – great news for Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River, and for the organizations who have worked so hard over many years to make it happen. We’d like to give special mention to Save the River, one of our Great Lakes […]

Breaking – Ontario Announces 2-year ban on new water takings
Today, the Ontario government announced that it would ban new water bottling facilities from taking groundwater for 2 years. It also stops existing facilities from increasing their groundwater taking or testing for future groundwater sources. This is big news, especially for communities that have been competing with big water bottling […]
First Diversion of Great Lakes Water Granted Under New Protections
One of the most significant victories for the Great Lakes came in 2008 with a new agreement that included protections from diversions or withdrawals that could harm our waters. It’s called the Great Lakes Compact. Together with groups and community members from around the region, we succeeded in getting all eight Great […]

Update – Waukesha Diversion is Approved
Today, the Great Lakes Governors voted to allow the community of Waukesha, Wisconsin to divert water from Lake Michigan to supplement their water supply. Waukesha is the first municipality to be allowed to divert water under a provision of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact (the Compact), […]

Canada’s Federal Budget Highlights Lake Erie
Yesterday, March 22, the Government of Canada released its first budget since being elected. It’s one of the most important documents produced by the Canadian government because it tells us which promises and policies will have the resources to be implemented. March 22 was also World Water Day – a […]

Great Lakes leaders encouraged by binational targets for Lake Erie
Today, the Governments of Canada and the United States released new targets to reduce toxic and nuisance algae blooms affecting Lake Erie. This is a big deal and means that we can now turn our attention to developing strong and effective Domestic Action Plans that will turn this into real […]

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Lake Erie… But Were Afraid to Ask
If you live within a stone’s throw of Lake Erie, you’ve likely heard about the algae blooms. Stinky green mats that have shut down drinking water for residents of Pelee Island and Toledo last summer, closed beaches, and are toxic to wildlife and humans alike. If you’re a busy […]

Victory! Ontario Leaps Ahead on Great Lakes Protection
The Ontario government recently did something wonderful for the Great Lakes. They passed the Great Lakes Protection Act! Freshwater Future Canada is thrilled to see that the Great Lakes community finally achieved this hard won battle. The bill was first introduced back in 2012, but failed to make it […]

Algae Media Tour
Yesterday, Freshwater Future Canada, Canadian Freshwater Alliance, and Environmental Defence hosted a media tour of Pelee Island in Lake Erie. This week marks the one year anniversary of major water shut offs of Pelee Island that left a majority of their residents without water due to a toxic algal bloom. […]

Phosphorus Targets Announced for Lake Erie
Just in time for summer, as families get ready to hit the beach, Canada and the United States have announced their draft targets for reducing phosphorus loads to combat Lake Erie algal blooms. Harmful algal blooms have closed beaches, impacted the safety of our drinking water, and threatened the recreational […]